What People Are Saying


“I am 42 years old and have been working with Mary Ann on and off since my adolescent years. I have nothing but praise for Mary Ann’s ability to recognize and assist with life situations in an efficient and empathetic manner. Her broad experience and skills with EMDR therapy made my journey calm and relaxed.”

— Anonymous.

“Mary Ann has a gift for providing a safe space where one can explore finding their voice. I might talk a lot but I have learned that this is because I never felt heard. With Mary Ann’s modeling and paraphrasing, where she utilizes words that I cannot find because I never learned how to fully express myself. Her added value, is that she is ever present and available instantly during a crisis/challenge.”

— Sarah.


“Total professional is the way to describe Ms. Fleischman.  Her knowledge of EMDR Therapy is thorough.  She thoughtfully and with care leads her patients through their therapy.  Her caring does not stop when they leave her office.  She is always available to them and will stand up for them in their time of need. I can not recommend more highly Mary Ann Fleischman.”

— Jean R.

“Mary Ann and her use of EMDR therapy gave me back a large portion of my life. Seeing her, using this therapy and learning the techniques allowed me to travel and fly again. I now look forward each year to several fantastic vacations. Thank you Mary Ann.”

— Anonymous.


“This is a top notch therapist. She is also the only therapist I could find in the surrounding 30 miles or so who does EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), a superior form of trauma treatment especially helpful for PTSD. The simple, relaxing technique works by directly effecting the way the brain processes trauma. Highly recommended.”

— Susan S.

“So very good.”

— Anonymous.


“I have experienced different types of therapy in my life, starting at the age of 15 when I lost my dad. I recently sought out EDMR therapy from a recommendation. At the age of 54, I can honestly say this was the most effective therapy I experienced so far. Mary Ann has a way of making me feel at ease and she is very knowledgeable. I feel grateful to have found her.”

— Nancy.

“MaryAnn is a skilled and warm therapist. Her nonjudgmental  and supportive listening allows for processing, healing and growth. Her expertise in EMDR is a game changer. She’s a treasure and I’m grateful to have had her help overcoming challenges that I had been dealing with for many years. “

— Jill M.


“Thank you again for all that you did for me. I am feeling so much better. Nothing around me has really changed, but something inside me has. I haven’t felt this food in a long time.”

— Lori.

“I’ve gotten more out of two sessions with you than in years of other therapy. Thank you!”

— Anonymous.


“I can’t explain why, but after one session I already fill some kind of shift inside. I look forward to how rapidly the healing process will be.”

— Anonymous.

“I’ve been in therapy since I was in grade school and now into my 30’s/ I have had a lot of therapists thru the years, but MaryAnn you really are the best hands down. You have really helped me.”

— J.


“I was apprehensive at first, but the anxiety ended as soon as I entered the office. MaryAnn has a calming way to offer EMDR therapy. My only regret was putting it off for so long.”

— Anonymous.

“EMDR therapy is unbelievably freeing, and MaryAnn is the best.”

— Anonymous.


“EMDR therapy is the best therapy, and MaryAnn helps you connect to it beautifully. I was afraid and concerned without knowing what it was all about, but I had no reason to be.”

— Anonymous.

“I cannot believe how light I feel, and lifted, broke through all those blocks, well worth every penny for this wonderful Therapist!”

— Anonymous.